

Review of UK feed law enforcement published

The Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffs (ACAF) Review of Feed Law Enforcement covers the whole system of enforcing feed standards in the UK, including official feed law inspections and non-statutory measures

The Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffs (ACAF) Review of Feed Law Enforcement has recently been published. The review covers the whole system of enforcing feed standards in the UK, including official feed law inspections and non-statutory measures .


Legislation on safety, composition and labeling of animal feed is designed to protect the safety of consumers eating livestock products, the health of animals and fair trading in the supply of feed. The responsibility of enforcing feed legislation rests with a number of bodies. However, no review has previously covered the whole system of official feed law inspections.


The committee looked at the whole system of enforcing feed law and standards. It considered the scope for improvements, including rationalization.


The review makes twelve recommendations, (see below). Britain's Food Standards Agency will discuss the outcome of the committee’s review with representatives of the enforcement authorities. The aim will be to draw up an action plan to take forward ACAF’s recommendations.


ACAF review of feed law enforcement - summary of recommendations


The committee recommends:


  • that the current responsibilities for feed law enforcement in the UK should continue with significant modifications made to processes and procedures to ensure the necessary improvements to feed law enforcement.


  • that enforcement authorities adopt a proportionate risk-based approach to the enforcement of feed law.


  • that risk-based schemes for feed law enforcement should be extended or introduced to take into account risks from hazards such as contaminants, unauthorised additives and feeds from unverified sources.


  • that there should be a greater sharing of information and co-operation between official enforcement authorities and assurance scheme auditors.


  • that there should be greater co-ordination between enforcement authorities.


  • that further co-ordination of feed law activities is required and considers that the Food Standards Agency is well placed to take on this role.


  • the compilation of a central database of feed businesses available to all enforcement agencies. The Committee further recommends that all relevant information should be considered for inclusion in a central database to help establish enforcement priorities.


  • that animal feed imports should be part of a risk-based enforcement program. The Committee further recommends the introduction of a statutory requirement for the prior notification of imports of animal feed.


  • that local authorities should make better use of existing funds by targeting higher risk areas. The Committee further recommends that if funds for new work become available, the Food Standards Agency and other government departments should consider providing such funds direct to the appropriate enforcement agencies.


  • the introduction of codes of practice for all areas of feed law enforcement.


  • that the codes of practice that apply to local authorities should be included within the scope of the Food Standards Agency’s Framework Agreement with local authorities.


  • that compliance with the codes of practice should be audited by the Food Standards Agency under the terms of the Framework Agreement.


Read the full ACAF Review of Feed Law Enforcement [PDF]


ACAF is a UK-wide advisory committee made up of independent experts from wide-ranging backgrounds including consumer affairs, farming, science and the feed industry. Members are appointed for their individual expertise and experience and are not representative of any sector or organization.