

Salmofood gets RTRS Chain of Custody certification for soy

The certification reflects Salmofood's commitment to promoting sustainability and transparency in the soy supply chain and moving towards obtaining the ASC Feed certification.

Paulo Alarcón Bruce, supply chain manager of Vitapro Chile. Credits: Salmofood

Salmofood recently received the international RTRS Chain of Custody (CoC) certification from the Round Table on Responsible Soy Association, thus taking a new step towards compliance with the ASC Feed standard, in addition to expanding its sustainability initiatives drawn up together with its suppliers. The evaluation process was carried out by the certification house FoodChain ID from Brazil.

This standard describes the requirements of the different traceability systems that an organization can implement to keep track of inventories of RTRS-certified material, whether soybeans or their different byproducts, being applicable throughout the entire supply chain.

Thanks to this seal, Salmofood can expand its possibilities of acquiring certified soybeans, either by purchasing them directly from manufacturers or through intermediaries in the supply chain, guaranteeing the traceability and inventory control of these products. Although the certification is valid for five years, it considers annual and mandatory follow-up audits.

Paulo Alarcón Bruce, supply chain manager of Vitapro Chile, explains that the RTRS CoC standard is voluntary, but that it is in line with the policy of responsible sourcing of ingredients established by Vitapro to respond to the market that increasingly demands sustainable food. “Considering that the salmon industry has proposed having 100% ASC certified biomass in the medium term, feed plays an important role, mainly due to the use of soy byproducts as relevant ingredients in its formulation.”

“For Salmofood the RTRS CoC certification is a true milestone in the roadmap that the company has drawn towards the certification of the ASC Feed standard, which requires feed mills to comply with strict environmental and social, in addition to obtaining ingredients from socially responsible suppliers and using sustainable raw materials,” Alarcón Bruce said.

Founded in 2006 in Zurich, Switzerland, the Round Table on Responsible Soy Association (RTRS) is a non-profit organization that promotes the growth of responsible soy production, trade and use, through a global platform for dialogue between multiple relevant organizations in the value chain, from production to consumption and development, in addition to the implementation and verification of a global certification standard.

The RTRS certification is a management tool and a sustainable strategy recognized and applicable globally to the production of soy and corn with multiple destinations such as human consumption, animal feeds, biofuels, etc.