

Salmon Group removes Brazilian soy from its salmon feed

Salmon Group removes Brazilian soy from their fish feed with immediate effect. Along with adjustments made earlier, the footprint of their feed is now reduced by 50 percent compared to the standard fish feed in the industry.

Salmon Group removes Brazilian soy from its salmon feed

Salmon Group removes Brazilian soy from their fish feed with immediate effect. The network has been working for several years to ensure more sustainable salmon. Together with BioMar, they are developing a new feed that ensures good fish health and performance and reduces the total carbon footprint by 20 percent. Now, they are stepping up their game by removing Brazilian soy, and thereby reducing footprint by another 17 percent, altogether a reduction of 37 percent in a very short time. 

Salmon Group works systematically with issues related to sustainability and fish welfare and feed is key to success in both areas. These improvements are framed within their feasibility study, Sustainable farming of salmon and trout – what is that?  released in 2018.

“Food production meets increasingly stringent demands, and Salmon Group strives to anticipate government demands. We are doing this because it is the right thing to do for the environment, and because we experience increased awareness from the consumer. If you have the knowledge that something can be improved, you should go ahead and do it. I am proud of our farsighted shareholders that are willing to take the cost involved,” said Anne-Kristine Øen, CEO of Salmon Group.

\"Our 44 shareholders are second and third generation family-run companies. They are pioneers that are strongly aware of the fact that they have a clear responsibility of making sustainable choices. Their business depends on healthy waters, and there is a significant social responsibility inherent in managing natural resources,” said Øen. 

For a long time, Salmon Group has had a limited inclusion of soy and a larger inclusion of marine ingredients in their fish feed. The industry is now hunting for alternative sources of protein such as insect meal and bioprotein.

\"The industry is hard at work to reduce carbon footprint through a series of measures. The changes we are making to the feed recipe has significant impact. In fact, the result of this change is twice as large as the impact of all the other measures put together,” said Nils Inge Hitland, purchase manager and fish feed responsible at Salmon Group.