

Shift to plant-based fish feed could hurt health, environment

As fish farming grows, so does pollution from farming crops for fish feed, study suggests.

As fish farming grows, so does pollution from farming crops for fish feed, study suggests.

In an effort to make fish farming more sustainable, the aquaculture industry has been cutting back on feed made of other fish and replacing it with plant-based alternatives. But a new study warns that may make the fish less healthy to eat and have negative impacts on the environment.

\"Aquaculture\'s environmental footprint may now include nutrient and pesticide runoff from industrial crop production, and depending on where and how feed crops are produced, could be indirectly linked to associated negative health outcomes,\" the researchers wrote.

In addition, they said, the use of plant-based ingredients could reduce the amount of healthy omega-3 fatty acids in fish – one of the things that makes fish like salmon attractive and tasty to consumers.

Source: Emily Chung, CBC News. Read the full story here.