

Simple online calculator reconciles conflicting information about eating seafood expansion claims to give fish lovers the internet's only balanced risk assessment

Simple online calculator reconciles conflicting information about eating seafood

The nonprofit Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) launched an improved version of its popular seafood calculator, the only one on the Internet that resolves the conflicting information about the health benefits and risks of eating fish. The easy-to-use website has grown to include 24 seafood species, representing 98% of the commercial seafood Americans eat. now also provides important nutritional information about heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, cholesterol, sodium, and the calorie-counts of the seafood Americans eat most. In November, the re-launched will be featured at the International Seafood and Health Conference in Australia.

In August, CCF commissioned the Opinion Research Corporation (ORC) to survey American women about seafood. Fully 50% of the respondents believed that "even though fish is full of important nutrients, mercury and other contaminants make it risky to eat." Another 41% say that they "wish there was a simple Internet website to help me sort out the risks and benefits of eating more fish." is the answer. In a single 6-ounce serving of canned light tuna, for instance, a woman can get 92% of her Recommended Daily Intake of omega-3s; 84% of her vitamin B12 needs; and 86% of her protein requirements for the day. That can of tuna contains only 198 calories. According to scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health, these health benefits outweigh any health risks that might be related to eating seafood--even for pregnant women and children.

"This online calculator finally reconciles all the conflicting information about seafood the consumers are hearing," said David Martosko, CCF's Director of Research. "Seafood has always been a super food, especially considering how omega-3s protect against heart disease. It's amazing to see all the health benefits we can get from fish, and how tiny the possible health risks are in comparison."

The American Heart Association advises consumers to eat oily fish "at least twice a week." But the seafood calculator suggests that most Americans should be enthusiastic about eating even more.

Martosko continued: "Eating seafood is one of the smartest things you can do for your health, but media reports about health risks are impossible to avoid. Putting the benefits and risks side-by-side on a simple website is something the federal government should have done long ago."

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