

Skretting ARC Pargua achieves BAP Certification

The certification verifies that Skretting’s R&D center follows all the appropriate production practices and standards for the safe and responsible delivery of products.

Skretting ARC Pargua achieves BAP Certification
Liliam Rioja and Juan Gutiérrez at Skretting ARC Pargua.

Skretting’s R&D center ARC Pargua received the certificate of Best Practices in Aquaculture. This recognition verifies that, as an experimental center, Skretting ARC Pargua follows all the appropriate production practices and standards for the safe and responsible delivery of products. The BAP standard certifies centers with a specific program that evaluates the four major areas of sustainability throughout their entire production chain: environment, social impact, food safety and animal care and welfare.

Juan Gutiérrez, manager of Skretting ARC Pargua, said that “we are very happy and proud to obtain the BAP Certification. We believe that it is the award for the rigorous and professional work that we carry out at ARC Pargua. In a particularly complex year, achieving this recognition is doubly meritorious.”

The Best Practices in Aquaculture certification recognizes productive excellence in aquaculture centers worldwide. BAP is also an initiative created by the Global Aquaculture Alliance, an international non-profit association dedicated to the promotion of responsible aquaculture and with more than 20 years of experience.

“As a center, we wanted to carry out this certification because we believe that it is a standard that meets the demands of Skretting at a global level as well as that of our clients at a national level. From the beginning, we define ourselves as a production center that conducts first-rate research. A center like ours, as part of its objectives, seeks to emulate the productive conditions with which our clients work, so we believe that it is very important to share a common language with them. In addition to the above, we firmly believe in the value of carrying out all our processes with the highest standard, especially in relation to good production practices, environmental care, social responsibility, animal welfare and food safety,” Gutiérrez said.