

Skretting Chile awards its 2023 Top Centers

Farms from Cermaq, Multi X and Camanchaca for Atlantic salmon and Marine Farm for Pacific salmon were the 2023 Top Centers.

Centros TOP SK

Skretting Chile awarded the 2023 Top Centers recognizing the outstanding work of its work teams in a meeting in Puerto Varas.

Cermaq’s Chaullín Norte, Multi X’s Cholga, Sur Weste Filomena from Camanchaca, and Chidhuapi 2 from Cermaq achieved the best productive performances in Atlantic salmon.

In Pacific salmon, Marine Farm's Quechu center stood out with the best results obtained by Skretting’s clients in the 2023 season.

These centers achieved an outstanding Skretting Performance Indicator (IDS), minimizing farming times and mortality rates and maximizing yields, which contribute positively to the commercial results of their respective companies.

Cermaq was awarded Top Company of the Year for its excellent results. María Kahtrine Essmann, head of the Food and Fish Quality Department, highlighted the work of the centers' teams. “It is an honor to obtain this award that motivates us to do better and better. I feel that we have evolved a lot, and our indicators show it. For this reason, we want to enjoy this recognition and it serves to motivate all those who make it possible to continue on this path.”

Marine Farm was the only winner of Pacific salmon at its Quechu center being the top center in both FCRb and IDS for 2023 and obtaining historic results. “I feel tremendous pride in seeing the team so happy and motivated. With initiatives like this and being the only winners of this kind, it is very gratifying and helps us a lot continue working and maintain these results over time,” said Roberto Riethmuller, general manager of Marine Farms.