

Skretting Chile renews Global GAP certification

Skretting’s second-largest production plant renewed its Global GAP certification for Compound Feed Manufacturing standard.

Skretting Chile renews Global GAP certification
Juan Manuel Leiva, Skretting.

Skretting Chile renewed its Global GAP certification for Compound Feed Manufacturing, a standard that evaluates compliance with the requirements for quality, safety, sustainability, health and environment.

“This year was a tremendous challenge, since, due to the exceptional conditions of the pandemic, we had to carry out this audit semi-in-person and with a single field visit, without the possibility of being permanently present at the plants, prioritizing the health of those who operate directly in them. It was also a big challenge to have been able to develop the entire process correctly, complying with all the internal prevention protocols and having achieved a perfect score remotely,” said Juan Manuel Leiva, head of Quality and Environmental Assurance at Skretting.

In the process, the measures that the company takes to avoid accidents, the well-being of the workers, and especially, during this year, the internal measures taken to prevent COVID-19 infections are evaluated. Feed safety from raw materials to storage, cross-contamination prevention measures, process controls, customer requirements and environmental and sustainability aspects are also audited.

Leiva emphasized the importance of this type of initiative to differentiate companies in terms of leadership. “Of the production units that Skretting has in the world, Chile is the second largest, representing more than 25% of the volume of feed for salmonid species produced by the company globally. Skretting Chile was the first production unit of the group to obtain this certification, which today is a standard required by clients and members of the aquaculture industry. Added to this are the global certifications and standards of the brand, such as Nutrace, which applies to all the countries where Skretting is present.”