

Skretting Chile signs deal for 100% renewable energy supply

The company signed an electricity supply contract with the Norwegian energy producer, Statkraft, that will cover the electrical demand for all Skretting operations in the country until 2025.

Skretting Chile signs deal for 100% renewable energy supply

Skretting Chile and Statkraft, a Norwegian renewable energy producer, signed an electricity supply contract that will cover the electrical demand for all Skretting operations in the country until 2025. The contract will come into effect in 2021.

“The supply of renewable clean energy will be guaranteed through international I-REC certificates, whose reports will be delivered at the end each year. These certificates guarantee that 100% of the energy supplied is generated through renewable natural resources and that will have a significant impact on the reduction of CO2 in our operations in the coming years,” said Álvaro Cifuentes, production manager at Skretting Chile. “By leaving the current energy matrix, Skretting Chile will reduce emissions to zero due to the effect of electric energy, which will enable us to meet our environmental commitments and with our stakeholders, declared in our global sustainability policy.”

María Teresa González, general manager at Statkraft Chile, highlighted that “the increasing incorporation of clean energy in the country's industries reflects the high valuation that the market is having with increasingly cleaner processes and low emissions. From a global perspective, this becomes more relevant, since, from our perspective, clean energy is the only solution to face the climate crisis and stop global warming.”

Statkraft is the first renewable energy generator in Europe with more than 19,000 MW of installed power and has a history of 125 years, making it a global player in energy market operations. The firm, owned by the Norwegian state, has declared the challenge of stopping climate change and stating renewable energy as the solution to this problem.