

Skretting names new sustainability manager

Jorge Diaz will drive the company’s sustainability agenda and support progress in the value chain.

Skretting names new sustainability manager
Jorge Diaz, Sustainability Manager at Skretting.

Skretting promoted Jorge Diaz as sustainability manager to drive the company’s agenda and support progress in the value chain. The role supports the company’s top-priority sustainability agenda and also complements the roll-out of Nutreco’s Sustainability Roadmap 2025 with its three pillars of Health & Welfare, Climate & Circularity and Good Citizenship. 

An essential part of the role will be focused on identifying, understanding and mitigating environmental, social and governance risks. Diaz will work closely with every area of the Skretting business and external stakeholders to deliver the company’s sustainability ambitions. 

“Our planet is under a huge amount of pressure, and generating enough healthy, safe and sustainable food to support the world’s growing population is an incredible challenge directly linked to our value chain. At Skretting, we are optimistic and ambitious in our sustainability journey and I look forward to working with all my Skretting colleagues towards our purpose of ‘Feeding the Future’. With their support, together with customers, suppliers and partners, we can drive the journey towards even more sustainable aquaculture,” Diaz said.

Skretting was the first aquaculture feed company in the world to report on sustainability, a commitment that was introduced more than 20 years ago. Today, thanks to the considerable expansion and advancement of these endeavors, sustainability is a core focus and embedded in the culture throughout the business.  

“Skretting is continuously bringing innovative solutions to support the growth of global aquaculture and we’re proud of what we’ve achieved to date. But the sustainability agenda is evolving faster than ever before, which in turn means that we need to further adapt, do more and do better,” said Diaz. “Skretting is a large, international company with a crucial role to play in providing sustainable food solutions for all. We believe in taking responsibility. It’s not in our nature to shy away from the difficult dilemmas that we face today or from those that may come tomorrow in any one of the regions in which we operate. This means we must be transparent, identify where there’s room for improvement, learn, share and then, because no one can do this alone, collaborate with our value chain.” 

Jorge joined Skretting as communications manager in Chile in 2015. In 2018, he moved to Skretting HQ in Stavanger, Norway, to take on the role of brand director. In that role, Jorge worked closely with former Skretting sustainability manager, Trygve Berg Lea.