

Specifically selected probiotics in shrimp mariculture

The frequent use of random probiotic products can lead to variable and inconsistent results. Understanding the products is key to ensuring that the desired results are achieved.

Pre- and probiotics have often been a potential solution to meet a number of these disease challenges. However, the frequent use of random products can lead to variable and inconsistent results. Understanding the products is key to ensuring that the desired results are achieved; including live (non-spore forming) bacteria in processed feed, can lead to poor results as these bacteria often cannot survive the processing step. Key to the use in probiotics depends on the use of those products that have been selected for their safety (i.e. no antibiotic resistant genes), and that have been demonstrated to have the desired results (i.e. those that can inhibit the growth of known pathogens). Prebiotics can be more robust in their use as they are able to withstand normal feed processing practices, but they tend to be less specific in their mode of action.

Dr. Bart Dunsford will focus on the use of both probiotics and prebiotics and results obtained in shrimp mariculture in his presentation at the Aquafeed Workshop in Guadalajara, Mexico

Dr. Dunsford has been involved in the aquaculture business providing functional ingredients for more than 15 years. During this time he has primarily focused on the use of prebiotics and probiotics in aquaculture applications. Currently Dr. Dunsford is working with Lallemand Animal Nutrition providing probiotic solutions in shrimp larviculture and production settings.

The Aquafeed Mexico Workshop will take place September 27, 2018 during the 13th International Aquaculture Forum (Foro Internacional Acuicultura)at the Hotel Presidente Intercontinental, Guadalajara, Mexico. It will be in English and Spanish. - or register directly at: