

Stakeholder participation requested in dialogue on new tool to asses "farmability" of species

Stakeholders are being asked to participate in the dialogue on a new tool for assessing the \"farmability\" of fish species, developed by the research group of FishEthoBase, the fish ethology database. The main intent of FishEthoBase is to improve fish welfare by checking if and to which extent the practice in farming of a species withstands the needs and behavior patterns observed in the wild, and which ethologically based recommendations for improvement could be given to practitioners. The deadline for participation is April 15.

Stakeholders are being asked to participate in the dialogue on a new tool for assessing the \"farmability\" of fish species, developed by the research group of FishEthoBase, the fish ethology database. The deadline for participation is April 15. 

In parallel to the full profiles on the ethology of species, presented in summer 2015, the team has now established a short profile format based on a reduced set of 12 core criteria for fish welfare, following an idea of FishBase coordinator Dr. Rainer Froese. While the initial target of the short profiles was to cover a higher number of species in a shorter time, the team soon became aware of what can be gained at the same time: a rough assessment of the \"farmability\" of a species, i.e. its aptitude for farming while the welfare of the fishes is respected. So far, 12 species have been assessed based on scientific findings.

The main intent of FishEthoBase is to improve fish welfare by checking if and to which extent the practice in farming of a species withstands the needs and behavior patterns observed in the wild, and which ethologically based recommendations for improvement could be given to practitioners. The farmabilty indices of the various species may help to decide on which species one should best concentrate research, development, and investments in order to put the industry in a position to positively answer the upcoming fish welfare demands.

Please visit the website to pick any of the species listed and then select \"short profile\" in the top menu. Organizers are looking forward to your critical comments and suggestions.