

Stakeholders invited to USDA ARS/CSREES Aquaculture Program Planning Workshop

The U.S. agriculture research bodies, ARS and CSREES are seeking public and professional input in forming the objectives and directions of their aquaculture program support of U.S. aquaculture for the next five years

Stakeholders invited to USDA ARS/CSREES Aquaculture Program Planning Workshop
The U.S. agriculture research bodies, USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service (CSREES) are seeking public and professional input in forming the objectives and directions of their aquaculture program support of U.S. aquaculture for the next five years.
To this end, the USDA ARS and CSREES will hold a workshop designed to provide stakeholders, customers, and partners with the opportunity to participate in planning the direction of public investments in USDA aquaculture programs for the next five years.

The 2008 Aquaculture Program Planning Workshop will be held in Kansas City, Missouri, from April 15-16th, 2008, for stakeholder input and interactions; and April 17, 2008 will be the USDA post-workshop session devoted to action plan development.  The workshop will focus on research, technology transfer, and integrated research-extension programs, and linkages with key partners

The agenda:
• April 15: Morning introductions and reports; Afternoon simultaneous breakout sessions.
• April 16: Simultaneous breakout sessions continued with  summaries.
• April 17: USDA ARS and CSREES post-workshop sessions.
Who should attend April 15-16:  Aquaculture farmers and their representatives, manufacturers of aquacultural products and technology developers, veterinarians, researchers from federal, commercial and university laboratories and experiment stations, extension specialists, and anyone having problems that can be addressed by USDA-funded aquaculture programs.  This is also a great opportunity to make new professional contacts and to further understand the diversity of aquaculture programs administered by ARS and CSREES.
What is provided:  The workshop will include breakfasts, snacks, and lunches on Tuesday and Wednesday, plus a reception on Tuesday evening.  We hope you can attend and will make many new professional contacts at this meeting.
If you are interested in attending this workshop, or to request more information, please contact Rosemary Callahan at: