

Statement on the organic certification of aquaponic crops

The Aquaponics Association released a sign-on statement to express its view against a lawsuit that is attempting to strip organic eligibility from hydroponics and other container-based agriculture.

Statement on the organic certification of aquaponic crops

The Aquaponics Association released the 2020 Statement on the Organic Certification of Aquaponic Crops to explain to policy-makers, the media, the public and other industry players that aquaponics is a perfect fit for the Organic label; and that losing Organic-eligibility will set back this vital, sustainable industry. Over 200 organizations and individuals already signed the statement.

“We have to raise our voices to keep aquaponics, hydroponics and other controlled-environment growing eligible for USDA Organic certification. A lawsuit against the USDA is attempting to strip organic-eligibility from hydroponics and other “container-based” agriculture, which will impact aquaponics growers,” the association said.

See the full statement and signatories here.

In addition to this public sign-on statement, the Aquaponics Association has formally signed an Amicus Brief to the Court, expressing its view that aquaponics and other “container-based” growing must remain Organic-eligible. The Amicus brief was organized by the Coalition for Sustainable Organics.

This campaign will persist even after the court case. You can sign here.