

THAILAND - Soy-optimized feed a hit with Thai seabass farmers

ASAIM SE Asia soy-optimized formulated feed has been proven to be more sustainable and saves cost for aquaculture farmers in southern Thailand

ASAIM SE Asia soy-optimized formulated feed has been proven to be more sustainable and saves cost for aquaculture farmers in southern Thailand.

In an ASAIM Aquaculture Feed Demonstration project for seabass cage culture in Phuket, Thailand, the ASAIM team of Dr. Siri Ekmaraj as the Local Coordinator and Mr. Lukas Manomaitis, Technical Director-Aquaculture, showed farmers how soy optimized feed can replace trash fish and help achieve lower feed conversion ratio (FCR) for the seabass at the end of the first phase of the project.

Mr. Ekgarath Thamachantha, the cooperator for the demonstration project in Phuket, was so pleased with the production and cost savings results from the first phase that he had continued the practice to feed another culture of seabass. 

Seabass culture in SE Asia in either cages or ponds  are often given trash fish diet which are often caught by coastal fishing trawlers or fishermen using dip nets. However these catch is often seasonal causing drastic price fluctuations, thus making the practice unsustainable.

The ASAIM aquaculture feeding demonstration with Mr. Thamachanta thus proves to the local fish farmers that using the ASAIM soy optimized aquafeed formulation can result in a sustainable aquaculture operation in the long run. Therefore for the second phase of this demonstration, ASAIM can work with a target of demonstrating how soy can replace fish meal in formulated feeds.