

THAILAND/CHINA - CPF and Zhonghai Ocean Science & Technology Co. Ltd. awarded the IFFO RS Chain of Custody standard

The growing demand for responsibly produced fishmeal and fish oil, for use in both animal feed and human food, is increasing the number of factories certified to the global standard developed under the auspices of IFFO (IFFO RS). Already there are over 100 factories certified to the standard and a number of companies certified under the related Chain of Custody standard. Now for the first time there are two companies in Asia which have been certified under the IFFO RS Chain of Custody standard

The growing demand for responsibly produced fishmeal and fish oil, for use in both animal feed and human food, is increasing the number of factories certified to the global standard developed under the auspices of IFFO (IFFO RS). Already there are over 100 factories certified to the standard and a number of companies certified under the related Chain of Custody standard. Now for the first time there are two companies in Asia which have been certified under the IFFO RS Chain of Custody standard, demonstrating that they source approved RS fishmeal and fish oil from factories meeting this demanding standard, by using approved raw materials and manufacturing to the best industry practices.

CP Foods of Thailand has been awarded the IFFO RS Chain of Custody standard and is currently sourcing IFFO RS approved products from the Southeast Asian Packaging & Canning Ltd (SEAPAC) factory which is the first Asian factory to be audited and compliant against the RS standard for its fishmeal and fish oil derived from tuna by-products. IFFO said it is hoped this will be the first of a number of factories which in future will be able to supply CP with RS approved feed ingredients. CP and IFFO are also working closely with a number of interested parties in Thailand, India and Vietnam to improve the management of the fisheries so that in future it might prove possible to use some of them as raw materials for further IFFO RS certified products.

Zhonghai Ocean Science & Technology Co. Ltd. of China has also been awarded IFFO RS Chain of Custody certification, which covers the certified material that they are currently importing from South America and Europe.  It uses these in the production of added-value marine ingredients, including purified protein products and concentrated EPA and DHA nutraceutical fish oils.