

The farm salmon scam

Action hour planned for October 2006 in UK as well as USA, Canada, Chile and Europe

The Salmon Farm Protest Group (SFPG) has announced plans to hold UK-wide ‘Action Hour’ outside the nation’s supermarkets on October 14, from 11.00 am to 12 noon. SFPG supporters will distribute leaflets to shoppers highlighting the "damage that fish farms have done and are doing do to wild salmon and sea-trout, and to the natural environment".
SFPG chairman, Bruce Sandison said, “We want to draw people’s attention to the hidden costs of buying cheap salmon from fish farms: pollution of coastal and freshwater lochs; wild fish that have survived for thousands of years being driven to the point of extinction by fish farm sea lice; the toxic chemicals used to treat diseases that plague fish-packed cages; the significance of levels of PCBs and dioxins found in farm fish; the dominance of multi-national foreign-owned companies that has led to hundreds of job losses in remote, fragile rural communities.”
The SFPG mounted a similar event in October 2002 when supporters spoke to shoppers in front of supermarkets in more than 100 cities and towns throughout the UK.

“We are calling for even greater support this time round. The only way to get the factory salmon farmers to clean up their act is to persuade consumers to think twice before buying their fish,” Sandison said
Similar events are being planned during the week October 7-14 around the world, including USA, Canada, Chile and Europe themed on an international slogan, ‘The Farm Salmon Scam’.
Supporters are being asked to register their interest in participating in the event by emailing SFPG chairman Bruce Sandison at saying which supermarket they will visit.