

‘The New Energy Crisis: Food, Feed or Fuel?’ is the theme of this year’s AlltechSymposium

Will ethanol displace gasoline or simply take food off our plates and feed from our animals?

 ‘The New Energy Crisis: Food, Feed or Fuel?’  is the theme of this year’s AlltechSymposium

Will ethanol displace gasoline or simply take food off our plates and feed from our animals? The shift in corn use toward fuel ethanol has wide-ranging implications for the animal feed industry in terms of costs, availability, and ration formulation. It also raises the crucial question of whether ethanol production will have implications on human food sources and its availability.

Alltech will highlight some key presentations on various topics such as selenium, mycotoxins, and mineral nutrition during the Symposium.

Some of the highlights of this year’s Symposium will include:

Keynote speakers analyzing how practices, products, and programs will affect how we utilize feed energy and protein ingredient resources.

The plenary sessions discussing industry issues such as the pitfalls of selenium analysis in feed, global feed ingredient quality systems, developing techniques for in-feed analysis, higher production with lower environmental consequences, and how dietary fiber can help resist enteric diseases.

Species-specific sessions for pig, poultry, dairy and beef, equine, pet, aqua, and food quality and legislation.

The announcing of the 2007 Medal of Excellence recipient.

The announcing of the Young Animal Scientist Award (YAS) 2007.
Further details, request an invitation and register at