

Three feed mills needed to increase aquaculture production in Odisha

The state fisheries department of Odisha, in the southeast of India, has set a target to increase fish production from its present level of 460,000 metric tonnes to 715,000 metric tonnes by 2019-2020. At present the state does not have a single feedmill.

The state fisheries department of Odisha, in the southeast of India, has set a target to increase fish production from its present level of 460,000 metric tonnes to 715,000 metric tonnes by 2019-2020. 

Fish productivity and production from inland, brackish water and marine resources will be increased, and an additional 15,000 ha of new tanks and ponds is to be developed for freshwater aquaculture. Fish productivity in freshwater will be enhanced from 2.13 tonnes per ha to 3.5 tonnes per ha.

The government hopes that the initiative will create direct employment for more than 60,000 people.

New measures introduced to help achieve the target includes the involvement of private enterprise in reservoirs under the control of the fisheries department, an increase in the number of fish landing centers and harbours, extending welfare schemes to fishermen, and creating alternative livelihood options during periods when fishing activity is banned.

The policy also promises to encourage and promote brackish water aquaculture clusters with basic infrastructure such as inlet and outlet channels, roads, electricity, ice plants and cold storage units.

At present, Odisha does not have a single fish feed mill and the target is to establish at least three mills as soon as possible. Work on one mill has already started.

Source: The Statesman. Read the full article here.