

Trimethylamine Oxide (TMAO) can reduce enteritis in RBT

New research has found that adding Trimethylamine Oxide (TMAO) to diets containing soybean meal reduces nutritional stress and may improve overall performance in farmed rainbow trout.

New research has found that adding Trimethylamine Oxide (TMAO) to diets containing soybean meal reduces nutritional stress and may improve overall performance in farmed rainbow trout. The study,  Exploring the Use of Trimethylamine Oxide as a Feed Additive to Combat Soy-Induced Enteritis in Farmed Rainbow Trout, funded by the Soy Aquaculture Alliance (SAA), was conducted at the University of Idaho. It also investigated whether marine fish solubles can be used as a practical means of distributing the additive. The study will continue in the future with different species of fish.

A technical brief about the study can be found on the SAA website here.