

University of Guelph Fish Nutrition Research Laboratory Celebrates 40 Years With Revamped Website, New Databases

New features include extensive references on the use of animal and plant protein ingredients in aquaculture feeds and links to technical documents

University of Guelph Fish Nutrition Research Laboratory Celebrates 40 Years With Revamped Website, New Databases

The UG/OMNR Fish Nutrition Research Laboratory's redesigned website has been launched:

The revamped website has been redesigned according to the strict web design guidelines of the University of Guelph. Information on the history of the laboratory, and its personnel, current research projects and recent publications has been updated.

Amongst the new features of the website are two new databases available for consultation on the website. One database regroups close to 500 references on the use of animal protein ingredients in aquaculture feeds while the other database also contains about 500 references on the use of plant protein ingredients in aquaculture feeds. Development of these databases was made possible by funding from the Fats and Proteins Research Foundation and the United Soybean Board Checkoff program.

The new website also contains links to a series of technical documents and presentations prepared by scientists of the UG/OMNR Fish Nutrition Research Laboratory on a variety of topics, such as feed formulation, digestibility, nutritive value of feed ingredients, nutritional modelling, etc. These documents and presentations have been prepared for recent conferences, seminars, and industry workshops and were not widely available to the community before.  New documents will be posted on a regular basis on the website.

The UG/OMNR Fish Nutrition Research Laboratory is a joint venture between the University of Guelph and the Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR) founded in 1969 under the leadership of Professors Stanley J. Slinger and C. Young Cho. The laboratory conducts basic and applied research in the field of fish nutrition and feeding, with particular emphasis on nutrient utilization and requirements, digestibility, feed formulation, feeding systems and waste management. It has excellent research facilities and a dynamic research team composed of about 15 young scientists. Over the past 10 years, it has trained or hosted more than 50 graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, visiting scientists, and research assistants.