US Contaminated Feed Update
Investigation into melamine and melamine-related c
On April 26, 2007 The USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined that a shipment of rice protein imported fr
The contaminants in question include melamine and melamine-related c
FDA and FSIS are coordinating with State authorities in eight states where the adulterated feed is known to have been purchased. Eight pork producers in the states of
Pork and pork products derived fr
FDA and FSIS are continuing the effort to trace the adulterated feed. If additional producers are identified who fed the adulterated product to animals, they will also be offered c
Poultry feed contaminated
On April 30, 2007, USDA and the FDA announced that byproducts fr
The investigation indicates that approximately 30 broiler poultry farms and eight breeder poultry farms in
As with exposure fr
The USDA’s Dr. Kenneth Petersen said that s
FDA and USDA anticipate that as the investigation continues additional farms will likely be identified that received contaminated feed.
Because the animal feed in question was adulterated, USDA cannot rule out the possibility that food produced fr
The same procedures are being followed in relation to both swine and poultry; animals are being quarantined by state order or voluntarily held by the owners and USDA is offering c
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