

US farm becomes first to attain BAP certification for aquaponics

Wisconsin-based Superior Fresh, one of the world’s largest aquaponics facilities, has attained Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification. It’s the first aquaponics facility in the BAP program as well as the first land-based, recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) raising Atlantic salmon and steelhead trout in the BAP program. The company just harvested its first fish on July 4 and will be able to produce around 160,000 pounds of Atlantic salmon and steelhead annually.

Wisconsin-based Superior Fresh, one of the world’s largest aquaponics facilities, has attained Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification. It’s the first aquaponics facility in the BAP program as well as the first land-based, recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) raising Atlantic salmon and steelhead trout in the BAP program.

Superior Fresh operates a 160,000-square-foot aquaponics facility (soon to expand to 300,000 square feet) on a 720-acre native restoration project in the rural community of Northfield, Wis.,

The company just harvested its first fish on July 4 and will be able to produce around 160,000 pounds of Atlantic salmon and steelhead annually. The company also produces around 1.5 million pounds of organic leafy greens annually.