

US - FDA answers VFD audit questions in upcoming webinar

GlobalVetLINK (GVL®) is hosting VFD Audit Process Q&A, a free webinar to help the industry better understand the VFD inspection process, on Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at 12:00 p.m. (CDT). The VFD Audit webinar will address the inspection process, documentation concerns, challenges with implementation, and the FDA’s responses to questions from the industry.

GlobalVetLINK (GVL®) is hosting VFD Audit Process Q&A, a free webinar to help the industry better understand the VFD inspection process, on Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at 12:00 p.m. (CDT).

With implementation of the Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) changes now over a year underway, the FDA inspection process is expected to happen more frequently in the coming months.

The VFD Audit webinar will address the inspection process, documentation concerns, challenges with implementation, and the FDA’s responses to questions from the industry. The webinar outline and expert presenters include:

  • Veterinarian VFD Audit Experience - Peter Schneider, DVM, Innovative Agriculture Solutions, LLC
  • VFD Implementation Challenges - Mike Apley, DVM, PhD, Kansas State University
  • Feed Distributor VFD Audit Perspective - Matt Frederking, Mid America Pet Food, LLC
  • FDA Responses and Live Q&A - Tyler Holck, DVM, MS, MBA, Feed His People LLC

Visit to register for the VFD Audit Process Q&A webinar.