

US Producer Groups Applaud Proposed Country-of-Origin Labeling Program

Voluntary Program Will Meet Objectives of Both Producers and Consumers, say producer groups

Groups representing America’s cattle ranchers, pork producers, seafood producers and produce grower-shippers are supporting a proposed plan to label domestic produced fruits, vegetables, beef, pork and seafood with labels displaying U.S. origin.

The proposed “Food Promotion Act of 2004,” will amend the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to establish the voluntary labeling of produce, meat (including beef, pork, veal, lamb) and seafood with country-of-origin information. The labels are aimed at encouraging consumers to choose American products at their supermarkets.

"The current regulation, as written, is unworkable, especially in the context of wild-caught seafood,” says Justin LeBlanc, vice president of government relations at National Fisheries Institute. “A voluntary program achieves a marketing advantage for seafood producers without the cost and confusion of the mandatory rule."

The National Fisheries Institute (NFI) is the national trade association for the diverse fish and seafood industry of the United States. NFI is a “water to table” organization representing fishing vessel owners, aquaculturalists, processors, importers, exporters, distributors, retailers and restaurants. NFI is committed to assisting our members in providing consumers with safe, sustainable, and diverse seafood choices. NFI is the leading voice for promoting safe, sustainable, affordable seafood as the daily protein food of choice for feeding the world.