

US rules against shrimp exporters

Heavy duties imposed

The U.S. Department of Commerce has ruled that  Brazil, Ecuador, India, and Thailand are dumping shrimp into the U.S. market.  Duties have been imposed ranging from 2.35% to 67.8% .  This ruling follows findings that China and Vietnam also dumped shrimp into the United States.  The International Trade Commission will determine whether the
trade violations have injured the U.S. shrimp industry in January, the last step before cash duties are required.
 "U.S. shrimp fishermen and farmers use the most advanced technology and are very efficient producers of shrimp, but some of our trading partners have been cheating and causing U.S. businesses to close and thousands of Americans to lose their jobs," said Southern Shrimp Alliance (SSA) President Eddie Gordon. "We thank the Department of Commerce for enforcing the rules of free and fair trade, offsetting this illegal practice".

The Southern Shrimp Alliance (SSA) claims that the U.S. shrimp industry, which directly employs over 70,000 people and contributes billions in revenue and taxes to thousands of coastal communities in eight states, is on the brink of collapse from the harm caused by dumped imports. 


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