

USA - Bell Aquaculture Gains Permit to Build Aquafeed Mill

Bell Aquaculture\'s plans to build an aquafeed mill as part of a $30 million expansion, moved a step forward with approval from Delaware County\'s Board of Zoning Appeals.

Bell Aquaculture\'s plans to build an aquafeed mill as part of a $30 million expansion, moved a step forward with approval from Delaware County\'s Board of Zoning Appeals.

The proposed feedmill had met opposition from neighbors concerned that odors from the fish farm\'s lagoon would intensify as production grew. Bell Aquaculture President & CEO Norman McCowan said that concern was legitimate but that the company is already taking steps to address the situation. 

The mill is expected initially to ptoduce 2.2 million pounds of feed  per month, sourcing 50-60% of ingredients locally. 

 Related: Bell Aquaculture to Open New Feedmill in Spring of 2014 -  (2/26/2014)