

USA - Comments Requested for NOSB Organic Aquaculture recommendations

The Livestock Committee of the National Organic Standards Board has posted for public comments their recommendations to the full NOSB for the allowances of the use in organic aquaculture production of the synthetic substances for which the Aquaculture Working Group petitioned earlier. As a result, a number of public comments have been received.

The Livestock Committee of the National Organic Standards Board has posted for public comments their recommendations to the full NOSB for the allowances of the use in organic aquaculture production of the synthetic substances for which the Aquaculture Working Group petitioned earlier. As a result, a number of public comments have been received. These can be reviewed on here.  (Click on “View all’ and “Sort by:  Posted (Newer-older).”)

The Aquaculture Working Group comments that request some changes can be found at:

LS-AQ-Misc - Lockwood, George S, Posted:  03/18/2014, Organization: Aquaculture Working Group, Submitter Name: Lockwood, George S. 

A valuable supportive comment is LS-AQ-Chlorine (plants) - Cysewski, Gerald: Posted:  03/12/2014  Submitter Name: Cysewski, Gerald.

A leading  opposition statement is found at: LS-AQ-Misc - Shistar, Terry Date Posted: Mar 26, 2014

This multipage set of comments asserts what is said in most other comments that are in opposition. This document is by Beyond Pesticides, that has been opposed to organic aquaculture for several years.

If you would like to support organic aquaculture in the United States, comments supporting the aquaculture Working Group March 18, 2014 posting would be helpful. 

The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) is accepting public comments on all or their spring 2014 proposals. The deadline is April 8, 2014 at 11:59pm EST to submit written comments and, if you can attend, to reserve an in-person oral comment slot.

The NOSB Spring 2014 Meeting is April 29 - May 2, 2014, from 8:30am to 5:30pm daily (8:30am to 12:30pm on May 2). The meeting is being held at the St. Anthony Hotel, 300 East Travis Street, San Antonio, TX 78205, (210) 227-4392.

More information about the NOSB Spring Meeting.