

USA - Coppers Reregistration Eligibility Decision by EPA

EPA has opened a public comment period on their Re-registration Eligibility Decision for copper-containing pesticides and its supporting documents

EPA has opened a public comment period on their Re-registration Eligibility Decision (RED) for copper-containing pesticides and its supporting documents.  The Agency's risk assessments and other related documents also are available in the coppers docket. Coppers are used in agriculture as a broad-spectrum fungicide and bactericide on virtually all food and ornamental crops, for algae control in catfish aquaculture, and in direct aquatic applications as an algaecide, herbicide, molluscicide, and leech control.

The Federal Register Docket Number is EPA-HQ-OPP-2005-0558.  Comments must be received on or before October 10, 2006. If you need a copy of the Federal Register notice, contact the NAA office.  EPA requests you share any comments with them.

Reregistration Eligibility Decision PDF