

USA - FDA launches SafeFeed web page

The FDA Animal Feed Safety System (AFSS) Team has developed an easy to use web page for information about safe feed. The page brings together links to information published by the agency related to feed manufacturing.

The Animal Feed Safety System (AFSS) Team has developed an easy to use web page for information about safe feed. The AFSS Team encourages members of the feed manufacturing or animal feeding industry as well as the general public to view the page and to provide feedback, such as ideas to improve the page’s design as well as suggestions for additional material that could be posted there.

The page has six topic links at the top. They are:

Seek Ingredient Approval

Manufacture Animal Feed

Learn about Good Animal Feeding Practices

Report a Problem

Ship Animal Feed

Learn about FSMA (the Food Safety Modernization Act).

Those are followed by seventh link labeled Get Assistance. Users can send comments about the page via an e-mail address listed under Get Assistance. 

The ad hoc AFSS Team that designed the page identified these topics as the most useful in directing users to the information they want, so users will not have to do a great deal of searching to find information pertinent to their questions. 

Along with the links to specific topics, the SafeFeed page also has navigational boxes on the side about News, Pet Food Regulation, Feed Regulators, (placed on the site for the convenience of State feed regulators) and Videos. 

These include two new videos, one for livestock producers about what they need to look for on the label of a medicated feed, and one for animal feed manufacturers – including on-farm feed mixers – describing the rules they must know and follow when producing medicated feed.


Visit the SafeFeed web page.