

USA - Report will raise alarm about imported catfish

Catfish Farmers of America has announced a press briefing on a new report that will raise alarm about imported catfish

USA - Report will raise alarm about imported catfish

Catfish Farmers of America has announced a press briefing on a  new report that will raise alarm about imported catfish.

The report, by The Health Sciences Center for Chemical Regulation and Food Safety, part of Exponent, an engineering and scientific consulting firm, will draw attention to the long-term consumer health risks of eating imported catfish grown in contaminated water and treated with drugs banned for use in U.S. fish-farming.

Taking part in the press briefing on Thursday, July 22, 2010 in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington D.C.,will be Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.), Chairman, Senate Agriculture Committee, Dr. Barbara Petersen, Principal Scientist, Exponent’s Health Sciences Center for Chemical Regulation and Food Safety, Tony Corbo, Food & Water Watch and Joey Lowery, President Catfish Farmers of America.

Nearly one-third of all catfish sold in America is imported from Vietnam and China, where fish farming environments are far less controlled and the incidence of contamination is much greater than in the United States.

Legislation approved by Congress two years ago would shift inspection of all catfish—imported and domestic—from the FDA to USDA, which has tougher and more comprehensive inspection and regulation requirements. But the law has been tied up in the federal bureaucracy and has not yet been put into effect.

For background information, please visit  A copy of the report will be posted on the website on July 22.