

USA - State, feds should help aquaculture project

The ocean waters a few miles off the San Diego coast are perfectly suited for large-scale, sustainable, environmentally friendly aquaculture at a time when the world would really benefit from large-scale, sustainable, environmentally friendly aquaculture.ut here’s the kicker: The Rose Canyon fish farm is unlikely to begin operations for several years or more – and maybe not even then. At a time when overfishing in oceans around the world is a giant problem, how can a wonderful project with a huge upside have such a daunting path to completion?

The ocean waters a few miles off the San Diego coast are perfectly suited for large-scale, sustainable, environmentally friendly aquaculture at a time when the world would really benefit from large-scale, sustainable, environmentally friendly aquaculture.

As detailed by U-T business columnist Dan McSwain, the San Diego-based Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute has a long history of expertise in fish farming. It’s working with Rose Canyon Fisheries, a startup firm supported by Christy Walton, reportedly the world’s richest woman, so it has the money to pursue an ambitious project to build a huge aquaculture operation four miles west of Mission Beach. This team’s plan addresses the environmental issues that have plagued other fish farms – an easier task because of the proposed location far from shore.

But here’s the kicker: The Rose Canyon fish farm is unlikely to begin operations for several years or more – and maybe not even then. At a time when overfishing in oceans around the world is a giant problem, how can a wonderful project with a huge upside have such a daunting path to completion?

... This project could be the greatest thing since the invention of the transistor, with no chance of hurting the environment, and greens would still be opposed because it involves the ocean. The objections to aquaculture raised by such groups as Food & Water Watch are so voluminous that it’s plain their goal is to block projects, not make them safer.

[Source: U-T San Diego Editorial Board, U-T San Diego. Read article]