

USA - Submission of comments to The National Organic Standards Board

The committee proposals for the National Organic Standards Board's (NOSB) fall meeting are now available

The committee proposals for the National Organic Standards Board's (NOSB) fall meeting are now available: 

Meeting Information
Hilton Savannah DeSoto
15 East Liberty Street
Savannah, Georgia 31401

Meeting Agenda (PDF)
Federal Register Notice of Meeting (PDF)
NOSB Proposals
Submit Written Comments

In-Person Public Comment
The National Organic Standards Board invites you to provide in-person public comments at the meeting in Savannah, Georgia. As listed in the agenda, public comments are scheduled for Tuesday, November 29 and Thursday, December 1, 2011. The NOSB will accommodate as many individuals and organizations as possible during these sessions. Individuals and organizations wishing to make oral presentations at the meeting may request one short time slot by visiting the link below or by calling (202) 720-3252. All persons making oral presentations are requested to also provide their comments in writing. Written submissions may contain information other than that presented at the oral presentation. Anyone may submit written comments at the meeting. Persons submitting written comments at the meeting are asked to provide sixteen copies.
Request an In-Person Public Comment Slot.

Download the document below from the NOSB Materials Committee that addresses aquaculture specifically, process to review materials for national list, several questions to address, and need for actions and recommendations from NOP for a new aquaculture regulation.  I realize this process is a long one but continued energy and efforts are needed to keep momentum moving forward.

George Lockwood, who chairs the Aquaculture Working Group, commented that this document was developed without any direct input from AWG and without their knowledge. "While I have participated in the submission of the mentioned petitions for vitamins and carbon dioxide "trial balloons," some of the issues in the memorandum are new to me", he said.

"It appears to me that the Materials Committee intends to hold aquaculture to very different standards than livestock and crops with a major burden of submitting considerably more information for our aquaculture petitions".
"Hopefully AWG will be able arrange a telephone conference call with key members of the NOSB Materials Committee and NOP staff before the November meeting of NOSB", he said.