

USA - Texas AgriLife Extension website offers aquaculture one stop shop

From alligators to water gardens and fish to oysters, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service new Aquaculture Fisheries and Pond Management website has those topics covered and more

From alligators to water gardens and fish to oysters, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service’s new Aquaculture Fisheries and Pond Management website has those topics covered and more, said the site’s creator.

Dr. Todd Sink, AgriLife Extension fisheries specialist, said he and others are currently gathering aquaculture, fisheries and pond management publications and funneling them into one handy location.

“We’ve always had a lot of excellent information on a host of varied topics,” Sink said. “The trouble has always been that yes, it’s out there…somewhere, but where, and is it credible? In today’s fast-paced world, folks just don’t have the time or patience to invest hunting reputable information. And there’s so much out there these days that a simple web search can give you much more than you ever bargained for, and still leave you without the information you seek.

“Now, our AgriLife Extension fisheries specialists have netted the information most asked for  into one convenient spot with each topic presented in a straightforward manner that’s easily accessible with a single click of a mouse.”

Sink said users of the site can rest assured that the material offered is credible, though it’s not limited to only AgriLife Extension or Texas A&M University sources. The website also hosts information from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Regional Aquaculture Centers, other universities and Extension programs, state fish and wildlife agencies, professional societies, trade groups and even from private industry and individuals.

No matter what the source though, Sink said AgriLife Extension specialists vet the information provided to ensure it is from a reliable source and is accurate before it’s posted on the website.

“We’re not perfect though, and as I’ve stated on the website, if users find anything that just seems wrong, odd, doesn’t work, or just seems plain ‘funny,’ we urge them to contact us. The same goes for information you’re looking for, but not finding that deals with aquatic issues.”

Sink said the website is primarily designed to support AgriLife Extension agents and Texas residents, but added that the information should prove useful for anyone looking for information on a wide array of aquatic issues.

“I think once people, especially those interested in a number of areas relating to aquaculture, use the site, they’ll be able to chop their ‘bookmark’ and ‘favorites’ list down to a manageable size, because chances are the information they’re after is right there on our website.”

Visit the website.