

Video: Perspectives on Marine Aquaculture in California and the United States

Perspectives on Marine Aquaculture in California and the U.S. is a short film produced by the Aquarium of the Pacific and its Seafood for the Future program that features prominent scientists and experts on the topic of marine aquaculture in California and the U.S. In this film the experts discuss marine aquaculture’s role in the global food supply and as a conservation tool, the state of domestic marine aquaculture, and the future of marine aquaculture in the U.S. and California.

Perspectives on Marine Aquaculture in California and the U.S. is a short film produced by the Aquarium of the Pacific and its Seafood for the Future program that features prominent scientists and experts on the topic of marine aquaculture in California and the U.S. In this film the experts discuss marine aquaculture’s role in the global food supply and as a conservation tool, the state of domestic marine aquaculture, and the future of marine aquaculture in the U.S. and California.

Experts featured are: Steven D. Gaines, PhD (Bren School of Environmental Science and Management); Peter Kareiva (UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability); Don Kent, PhD (Hubbs SeaWorld Research Institute); Sam King (King’s Seafood Company); Paul Olin, PhD (California Sea Grant, Scripps Institution of Oceanography); Michael B. Rust, PhD (NOAA Fisheries Office of Aquaculture); and Christy Walton (Cuna Del Mar).


Perspectives on Marine Aquaculture in California and the United States from Aquarium of the Pacific