

WAS Announces Fund for Rebuilding Aquaculture in the Tsunami Affected Areas

The World Aquaculture Society has established a fund for donations that will be channeled directly to Indonesia and other affected countries with the specific objective to help rebuild their damaged aquaculture

The World Aquaculture Society has established a fund for donations that will be channeled directly to Indonesia and other affected countries with the specific objective to help rebuild their damaged aquaculture communities. 

While there have been many donations to general aid agencies for tsunami relief, WAS says it wants to do something specifically for rural, small-scale aquaculture operations and aquaculture education facilities affected.

WAS will work with existing agencies such as Aquaculture without Frontiers, NACA, etc. to identify projects, disburse the funds and follow-up. 

YSI Incorporated—through the YSI Foundation—has announced its support of the World Aquaculture Society “Fund for Rebuilding Aquaculture in Tsunami-Affected Areas” YSI has made a donation of $50,000 plus equipment to WAS to fund specific projects for small-scale fish farmers in Indonesia.

If you would like to make a donation, you can go to the WAS online store: