

Wheat Quality Australia established

Wheat Quality Australia (WQA) Ltd has been established by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and Grain Trade Australia (GTA) to manage wheat variety classification and related activities from 1 January 2011

Wheat Quality Australia established

Wheat Quality Australia (WQA) Ltd has been established by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and Grain Trade Australia (GTA) to manage wheat variety classification and related activities from 1 January 2011.

“Originally wheat variety classification and related activities were funded and administered by AWB International, but recently these activities have been funded by GRDC as an interim measure at the request of the Australian Government and grain growers following deregulation of bulk wheat exports.

“The interim measure was in place to provide time for an extensive industry consultation process to determine an appropriate model for wheat variety classification, to ensure the needs of industry were met and to enable the development of a more permanent solution for provision of wheat classification,” GRDC Chairman, Mr Keith Perrett, said.

GTA Chairman, Mr Tom Keene said extensive consultation with industry resulted in agreement on a not for profit company with activities funded by industry and GRDC being developed as the agreed model.

“The formation of WQA will ensure that the industry has a sustainable wheat classification system that works to improve the value of Australian wheat for producers, marketers and processors/customers of Australian wheat; and to enhance the competitiveness of the Australian wheat industry,” said Mr Keene.

WQA will assume the activities currently undertaken by the Wheat Classification Council and the Varietal Classification Panel under one entity.