

Working Group recommends EU raise fluorine level for krill

EU working group on undesirable substances recommends 2000ppm maximum level for fluorine in krill meals instead of the previous 500ppm proposed level.

Thanks to decisive support and recent information from European EFAPIT, IFFO, previous dossiers, associated EU corporations and scientific work done with South Antarctic krill [Euphausia superba, Dana], the final recommendation of the EU working group on undesirable substances has concluded that it would be appropriate to set a 2000ppm maximum level for fluorine in krill meals instead of the previous 500ppm proposed level.

The working group is part of the Veterinary Standing Committee on Food safety and Animal Health headed by Mr. Frans Verstraete.
The committee has yet to ratify this resolution which will not be until September.  It needs to be voted by the parliament and it will become effective when published, though no problems are anticipated. IFFO has already published some of this data in their June report; the parliament is likely to respond to such a technical decision. 

Krill expert, Dimitri Sclabos, told that as the "no-blending" rule comes into force in August 2003, he believes that with the publication of the conclusions of the working group on the EU web page, no member state will bring any legal claim against feeds containing krill meals between August and September of this year, before it is officially published.
For background see Report of 06/24/2003 on Antarctic Krill [Euphausia superba, Dana] - A different class of feed ingredient - Heavy Metals’ case by Dimitri Sclabos and Raul Toro:§ionid=5