

World Champion on Skretting Feed

Skretting fed farmed halibut made Fabrice Desvignes of France winner of today’s Bocuse d’Or, the unofficial world championship for Chefs
World Champion on Skretting Feed

World Champion on Skretting Feed

A dish of Skretting fed halibut gave Norwegian chef Sven Erik Renaa (right) the Best Seafood Prize in Bocuse d’Or Wednesday. Chef Heston Blumenthal (left) of The Fat Duck in London (left) was the prize marshal. (Photo: Scanpix)

Skretting fed farmed halibut made Fabrice Desvignes of France winner of today’s Bocuse d’Or, the unofficial world championship for Chefs.

Norwegian chef Sven Erik Renaa of Norway was awarded the Best Seafood Prize

Fish becomes what it eats – today Sterling White Halibut from Marine Harvest became world champion. The halibut was main fish dish in the final of the Bocuse d’Or final this afternoon.

Bocuse d’Or chose farmed halibut from Norway as the main fish dish in the championship. The halibut is produced by Marine Harvest in Hjelmeland with juveniles from the Marine Harvest hatchery in Vikna.
Both farms use feed from Skretting.

In Bocuse d’Or only the very best ingredients are allowed. Quality demands and specifications are very stringent, and nothing is left out in the preparations. In the days before the contest inspectors from Bocuse d’Or travelled from France to the Marine Harvest halibut farm in Norway with the sole purpose of picking out the fish.

The inspectors came with great expectations, and were still positively surprised. The halibut was even better than they had imagined with respect to fillet volume, structure and colour.

Important PR

Farmed halibut in the world championship is an important PR victory for Norway, and especially so for Marine Harvest, the leading producer.

Managing Director Magnus Skretting in Marine Harvest Cold Water Species sees Bocuse d’Or as a very important arena for making farmed halibut better known in the world of chefs.

”Through Bocuse d’Or we can tell trendsetting chefs and journalists that Sterling White Halibut is one of the very best seafood ingredients there is, says Magnus Skretting.

Bocuse d’Or

Bocuse d’Or is the world biannual championship for chefs, celebrating its 20^th anniversary this year. 24 chefs qualify for the contest through national selections.