

Wout Dekker named Aquaculture Person of the Year

Intrafish Media’s Fish Farming International named the long-time CEO of feed company Nutreco - parent company of Skretting - its Aquaculture Person of the Year 2012 for a remarkable career in the fish farming sector spanning three decades

Intrafish Media’s Fish Farming International named the long-time Nutreco CEO its Aquaculture Person of the Year 2012 for a remarkable career in the fish farming sector spanning three decades.

With 30 years’ experience in the international aquaculture industry, Wout Dekker has gone from research manager to world-class CEO, heading up one of the world’s most influential aquaculture companies, and exhibiting an unrivalled passion for what he does. 

As a result of his remarkable achievements, Dekker, exiting CEO of feed giant Nutreco – Skretting's parent company – has been named Fish Farming International’s inaugural Aquaculture Person of the Year. 

Dekker began his involvement in the sector in the mid- 70s, as one of the first students to study aquaculture in the Netherlands. At the time the industry was considered by many to be a flash in the pan, “but I always realized the tremendous positive contribution aquaculture could make,” said Dekker.

Even as a young man, Dekker had clarity about the possibilities of the industry not many others could claim. With this came real foresight which – reflected throughout his leadership of Nutreco – has been the envy of many of his competitors.

"It was a great pleasure for me to work in this exciting and meaningful industry. I feel honored and privileged to receive this award after more than 30 years serving Nutreco", he said.