

AFIA releases state of the U.S. feed industry report

The report details the challenges the U.S. feed and pet food industry faced over the past year and the steps the AFIA took to address member priorities.

AFIA report

The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) released its annual Our Industry, Our Promise report detailing the challenges the U.S. feed and pet food industry faced over the past year and the steps the AFIA took to address member priorities. The report provides an overview of this unique industry segment’s impact on the U.S. economy, its efforts to promote animal food safety and worker health and safety, and its forward-thinking initiatives to enhance global competitiveness and industry environmental sustainability programs.

“Global, and sometimes unexpected, turmoil continued throughout 2021 and into 2022, but through it all, our industry stayed strong, worked together and formed new partnerships along the journey,” said AFIA president and CEO, Constance Cullman. “The AFIA serves as a means to speak with one industry voice about global supply chain challenges, the need for regulatory modernization and the importance of championing the innovative solutions that will allow us all to thrive.”

The report, which concentrates on work completed during AFIA’s fiscal year from May 1, 2021, through April 30, 2022, discusses:

  • The business climate for U.S. animal food manufacturers, including how they are managing problems with shipping delays and maintaining a stable workforce.
  • State issues that would lead to a hodgepodge of state regulations and/or costly mandates not associated with the regulatory review of state feed products.
  • Management of animal food safety and animal health risks, including the return to in-person, routine regulatory reviews and improvements in mitigating disease threats to U.S. farms.
  • Work to maintain U.S. competitiveness amid global pressures, including the industry’s response to the Russia-Ukraine war and efforts to remove regulatory hurdles slowing the approval of new feed ingredients or that could stymie the trade of animal food-based products.
  • Priorities for U.S. agricultural trade policy, including identifying areas where the Biden administration should focus, such as increasing market access in China, Vietnam and Brazil.
  • The industry’s stance in international dialogues to ensure these fora prioritize science and innovation and do not unnecessarily restrict consumer diet choices.

“The U.S. Congress and administration took notice when farmers, ranchers, agribusiness and environmental groups joined us in calling for much-needed regulatory improvements and modern trade policies to ensure they are not left behind as other countries move forward with new feed technologies,” Cullman said. “The United Nations took notice when the U.S. food and agriculture supply chain was joined by its counterparts around the world in calling for a positive dialogue about sustainable agriculture production, one that discussed real solutions and challenges and valued innovation, instead of one that looked to undo years of scientific progress.”

The report also provides an update on AFIA’s educational offerings over the past year, recognizes several industry award winners and acknowledges the ways the AFIA has given back to local communities.

Check out the report here.