

Aquaculture Europe 2010 - Summary

A summary of Aquaculture Europe 2010 is now available for download from the European Aquaculture Society

Aquaculture Europe 2010 - Summary

Aquaculture Europe 2010 was organized by the European Aquaculture Society (EAS) and was held at the Centro de Congressos da Alfândega, Porto, Portugal from October 5-8, 2010.

AE2009 was attended by 1072 participants (778 full conference delegates) from 55 countries and is a record attendance for an Aquaculture Europe stand-alone event.

AE2010 put the focus on the future of marine aquaculture in Europe, at a time when the European Commission has published its Communication on the strategy for the development of European aquaculture. Although global aquaculture continues to grow significantly, production growth in Europe is considerably lower. The challenge is to demonstrate sustainable development, while producing products that are competitive with those originating from other regions in the global market.

AE2010 addressed many topics related to island, coastal and ocean aquaculture, but also covered the production of freshwater species. Parallel conference sessions included land-based systems, estuarine, coastal lagoon, coastal and offshore aquaculture, encompassing many species from shellfish to fish to marine plants. AE2010 also considered the specific issues related to production on Mediterranean islands and in Europe’s Outermost Regions.
This document summarises the reports of the AE2010 Parallel Sessions, as received by the session chairs. Only very simple language editing has been made by the EAS secretariat. Information is also provided on the winners of the AE2010 Poster Awards, as designated by the Session Chairs and Programme co-chairs, as well as the winners of the Lindsay Laird Award and the EAS Student Group Ibrahim Okumus Award.

Download the summary document (PDF - 4MB)