

Aquafeed: Advances in Processing and Formulation

Autumn issue to focus on hatchery feeds

Aquafeed: Advances in Processing and Formulation

Autumn issue to focus on hatchery feeds

As always,  the very latest developments in technology and formulation of direct application to aquaculture feed manufacturers will be at the heart of the Autumn 2010 issue of the magazine, AQUAFEED: Advances in Processing & Formulation. We’ll be covering the whole spectrum but a special focus will be hatchery feeds – from larval to transfer diets and of course broodstock feeds: if your interest is in live feed, Artemia replacements or ingredients or technology for the production of co-feeding, weaning and post weaning diets, this issue is for you.

If you would like to submit a technical article or other editorial for consideration or would like to advertise in this issue, please download and complete the form (download form - PDF) and return by September 1. Materials are due September 15, 20100.

You will receive your copy automatically as part of your subscription to the newsletter and find past issues archived on here.