

Catfish 2010 Part 2: Reference of Catfish Health and Production Practices in the United States

The Catfish 2010 study represents the third study of the catfish industry conducted by the National Animal Health Monitoring System. Catfish 2010 takes a broad look at management, production, and health practices across the various facets of the catfish industry, including breeding, hatching, and foodsize-fish growout. The study builds upon knowledge obtained from previous studies and examines new topics important to the industry. This report focuses on the foodsize-fish production segment of the catfish industry.

The Catfish 2010 study represents the third study of the catfish industry conducted by the National Animal Health Monitoring System. Catfish 2010 takes a broad look at management, production, and health practices across the various facets of the catfish industry, including breeding, hatching, and foodsize-fish growout. The study builds upon knowledge obtained from previous studies and examines new topics important to the industry. This report focuses on the foodsize-fish production segment of the catfish industry.

Download the complete report (PDF) from the link below: USDA. 2010. Catfish 2010 Part II: Health and Production Practices for Foodsize Catfish in the United States, 2009. USDA–APHIS–VS, CEAH. Fort Collins, CO. #595.0611 (PDF)