

CEFAS Finfish News (incorporating Trout News) - Number 9, Winter/Spring 2010

The Winter/Spring issue of the U.K.'s Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science magazine, Finfish News, is now online and available for download.

CEFAS Finfish News (incorporating Trout News) - Number 9, Winter/Spring 2010

The Winter/Spring issue of the U.K.'s Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science magazine, Finfish News, is now online and available for download.

Articles on Sustainable aquaculture workshop, An alternative view of UK Tilapia farming, Tilapia workshop presentations, Registration of fisheries , Predation at stillwater fisheries, •An introduction to the European Fisheries Fund - Focus on Aquaculture as well as announcements are featured. Download from CEFAS website (PDF).