The Chilean Salmon Council, which brings together the companies AquaChile, Australis, Cermaq, Mowi and Salmones Aysén which together represent about 52% of Chilean salmon production, published a new Salmon and Trout Export Report.
The report analyzes the end of the year 2022 and one of the main conclusions is that salmon and trout exports reached a total of 751,259 tons in 2022, which represents an increase of 3.8% compared to 2021. Meanwhile, the value of these shipments totaled USD 6,606 million, an increase of 27.3%, compared to 2021.
Although Chilean salmon production maintains a preponderant place in the national economy, ranking as the third Chilean industry that exports the most to the world, it has not yet managed to recover the volumes exported in 2020.
“In recent years, the annual growth of the tons of Chilean salmon exported to the world has been moderate and this is due, in large part, to a limited growth of salmon harvests in Chile. We take the 2022 export figures as an opportunity to advance in improving regulatory frameworks and thereby promote investment in the industry, always safeguarding competitiveness and environmental, social and economic sustainability. This is key to continue promoting the development of a productive activity that is essential for the southern macro-zone and our country,” said Loreto Seguel, executive director of the Salmon Council.
Considering only the regions of Los Lagos and Aysén, since the production in Magallanes is more recent, between 2015 and 2021, the salmon harvest decreased by an annual average of 0.5%.
According to the report, in recent years the growth curve of both harvested and exported tons has stabilized, a fact that is explained by a set of factors, including the current regulatory framework that governs the activity – maximum densities and the administrative processes for renewal and approval of concessions – and other production challenges to be addressed by the industry such as investment in R&D and innovation.
Regarding the 27.3% growth in the dollar value of salmon and trout exports in 2022, the Salmon Council points out that the disparity in growth between the tons exported, and the valuation in dollars accounts for better prices in the international market in 2021 and 2022, which, in turn, is explained by several factors, such as a higher valuation of Chilean salmon in the world, the increase in demand, the increase in international food prices, the rise in the cost of inputs and higher logistics costs in maritime transport.
Download the report here.