

DSM mycotoxin survey: High mycotoxin co-occurrence in 2022

The prevalence of mycotoxins remained fairly stable in 2022 from a global perspective but there was variation between regions.

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Every year since 2004, DSM has analyzed a large number of feed samples from all around the world to understand and monitor contamination levels of the different mycotoxins in a variety of feed ingredients. This information is shared in the annual DSM World Mycotoxin Survey.

In 2022, over 27,000 samples were collected and analyzed from 87 countries around the world. Ninety-eight percent of the samples contained ten or more mycotoxins and metabolites.

DSM Animal Nutrition & Health and Romer Labs hosted a webinar featuring an in-depth discussion on upcoming mycotoxin threats. “A key trend we saw is greater co-occurrence in samples,” said Anneliese Mueller, product manager mycotoxins at DSM. “Co-contamination is high. It is the rule, not the exception.”

While the prevalence of mycotoxins remained fairly stable in 2022 from a global perspective, there was variation between regions, indicating different risk levels for different sectors across the world.

In Europe, deoxynivalenol is the most prevalent mycotoxin followed by zearalenone and fumonisins.

In North America, corn presented extreme maximum levels for aflatoxins, zearalenone, deoxynivalenol and fumonisins.

In South and Central America, zearalenone levels increased to an average of 235 ppb and a maximum of 4,539 ppb.

In Asia, aflatoxins were detected in 42% of finished feed samples with a maximum of 243 ppb. Corn had a high prevalence of fumonisins

In Africa, deoxynivalenol is the main risk and zearalenone and aflatoxins abundance increased.

Watch the webinars here.

Download DSM World Mycotoxin Survey here.