

EU reports fishmeal and fish oil market

A significant, but declining, share of world fisheries’ yield is produced as fishmeal and fish oil. According to the EUMOFA’s last report, for the past decade, global production has maintained an annual average of around 5 million tons of fishmeal and 1 million tons of fish oil.
EU reports fishmeal and fish oil market

A significant, but declining, share of world fisheries’ yield is produced as fishmeal and fish oil. According to the European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products, EUMOFA, last report, for the past decade, global production has maintained an annual average of around 5 million tons of fishmeal and 1 million tons of fish oil.

Each year, the EU produces around 450,000 to 500,000 tons of fishmeal and 150,000 to 200,000 tons of fish oil. Denmark, by far the largest producer, accounts for almost 50% of the total fish meal and fish oil production. Spain ranks second, producing almost 20% of the total.
A large share of fishmeal and fish oil consumption in the EU is supplied by imports from non-EU countries: Norway, Iceland and the Faroes for fishmeal; and Peru, Norway and the US for fish oil.
The report also found that Norway was the largest destination market for both fishmeal and fish oil in 2018. Denmark, the main EU exporting country, was responsible for 80% of the fishmeal and 85% of the fish oil volumes in 2018.

Read report here.