

FAO Food Outlook - June 2013

The FAO Food Outlook Team has published a new edition of Food Outlook, which incorporates many improvements, including extended coverage and a revised layout. For fisheries and aquaculture, the report says tight supply and higher feed costs for several key traded species such as salmon and shrimp are pushing international seafood prices higher. Overall supply is still growing thanks to aquaculture, with strong local and regional demand sustaining production growth in the developing countries

First published in November 1974, Food Outlook is a biannual publication, product of FAO’s Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS). 

Given the fast changing global food markets, the main focus of Food Outlook reports has always been on providing timely information and forecasts with accurate early warnings and in-depth assessments.

For fisheries and aquaculture, the report says tight supply and higher feed costs for several key traded species such as salmon and shrimp are pushing international seafood prices higher. Overall supply is still growing thanks to aquaculture, with strong local and regional demand sustaining production growth in the developing countries.

Food Outlook is produced in English but the Market Summaries of the report are also available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish. For more information please contact the Food Outlook Team at

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