

FAO - Use of wild fish as feed in aquaculture

The guidelines cover a number of issues relevant to the use of wild fish in feeds in aquaculture, including ecosystem and environmental impacts, ethical considerations on the responsible use of fish as feed, aquaculture technology and development, and statistics and information needs for managing the development of aquaculture

The guidelines cover a number of issues relevant to the use of wild fish in feeds in aquaculture, including ecosystem and environmental impacts, ethical considerations on the responsible use of fish as feed, aquaculture technology and development, and statistics and information needs for managing the development of aquaculture. 

The objectives of the guidelines are to contribute towards the development of aquaculture and the sustainable utilization of feed-fish stocks. The guiding principles for these technical guidelines were developed and adopted at the FAO Expert Workshop on the Use of Wild Fish and/or Other Aquatic Species as Feed in Aquaculture and its Implications to Food. 

Download FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries.  No. 5, Suppl. 5. Rome, FAO. 2011. 79p (PDF) from the link below: